Team Mama Idea: 5 Covid Safe Fundraising Ideas!

We may be in the middle of a pandemic, but that isn't stopping us Booster Board members from fundraising for our team! We've definitely had to get a bit creative though. Gone are the days of concession stands, car washes and bake sales... in fact we aren't allowed to involve the student athletes at all.

So what can be done to raise funds while maintaining social distance and following protocols? Here are 5 COVID safe ideas:

  1. Spirit Wear Sale. This has been our go-to thus far. We've done a 100% virtual sale where people order online and items are delivered directly to them. And we're currently doing a cold weather gear sale. As a Board, we chose 5 OSFA items (beanies, scarves, fleece headbands, stadium blankets, and umbrellas) that we thought would sell best and ordered a bunch. People can order them via our Square Site and we offer contactless, porch pick up. No one wants to get left out in the cold (see what I did there?), so they are selling like hotcakes!
  2. Virtual Letter Campaign. Our letter campaign (where we require each player to mail a letter requesting donations to ten family members/friends) historically brings in about $12,000. But because we can't physically use students, we've had to change it up a bit. Enter our virtual letter campaign. We are asking each player to supply us with ten email addresses and will be sending out a mass email requesting donations. As in years past, players can still opt out by writing a check for $100 dollars ($10 per email) instead. You'd actually be surprised by how many go this route!
  3. Restaurant Night. Work with your local restaurants to set up. Some will offer as much as 50% of the proceeds! Logistics is everything... the closer to the school/practice facility, the better. Not comfortable eating inside just yet, no worries. I don't know a single restaurant that doesn't offer carryout. Help out your team and community at the exact same time!
  4. Fan Cut-Outs. Limited or no spectators allowed at your athlete's games? Don't worry mama, you can still be there in spirit! Fan cut-outs are showing up in stadiums all over the place, even the pros! Fans order them, you set them up... and poof, you (once again) have fans in the stands!
  5. Mask sale. Because after all, they are the new normal. Not to mention that they are required at every single stadium that I know! Work with the company of your choice (brownie points if they're local!). Come up with one or two different designs. Don't forget to add both youth and adult sizes! You can even do contactless porch pick-up. This is sure to be a winner. I mean, who can't use an extra mask (or two, or three)?!
  6. Amazon Wishlist! Yes, I know that the title of this blog says 5 (this was added after it was originally published), and that it's not technically a FUNDraiser, but hear me out! Our Booster Club literally started an Amazon Wishlist yesterday evening and the donations have been pouring in! We added bottled water, Gatorade, hand warmers, and protein bars. Family and friends, both near and far, have been SO generous! It's a great way for people to support you without leaving the comfort of their own couch!

I hope you find these ideas helpful! Be sure to join the Confessions of a Sports Mama Facebook Group for even more ideas!

Stay safe and Happy Fundraising!!!
